“Hey! Congrats on launching your podcast,” – Jess said via text.
“I have a microphone that I’m not using, do you want it?,” she continued.
“OMG! Yes! Please send it to me,” I replied, thinking that she had already listened to the first episode and heard me say that I started it without having what I considered to be the right equipment; namely, a microphone.
Only, I would learn, she actually hadn’t heard the episode yet.
A few hours later she texted again:
“Yo! I just finished listening to the episode and got to the part where you talked about not having a microphone. I didn’t even know. That’s so crazy!”
And it was.
Every Action Has an Equal and Opposite Reaction
I was immediately reminded about how little moments like that, that often feel like a coincidence, are actually the universe’s reaction to an action that I had taken.
It’s a manifestation of that Ralph Waldo Emerson quote: “Once You Make a Decision, the Universe Conspires to Make it Happen.”
I know it sounds cliché, but I believe this to be true. Because when I think back on my life and the things that I’ve accomplished, things that have happened to and for me and opportunities that have seemingly appeared out of no where, I can almost always trace it back to something that I did or a singular decision that I made.
Another example happened a few years ago, when, I decided that I wanted to add a Beauty division to my PR firm’s client roster. I started talking and writing about the beauty industry, reviewing products, interviewing beauty entrepreneurs and attending different beauty events.
And eventually, I landed my first few beauty clients.
It didn’t happen overnight. It also didn’t happen just because I said I wanted it to happen.
It happened because after I made up my mind, I took action.
[Tweet “After You Make Your Mind Up, Take Action – @MissSuccess”]
Decide and Conquer
It’s almost like we have this super power in our ability to change or influence the course of our own lives.
However, it’s a power that remains dormant because we tend to lack the faith or confidence to believe in and bet on ourselves and more commonly we willingly assign the role of who gets to control our destiny over to someone else.
It’s easy to give this “power” away so that if or when things don’t go the way we believe they should go, we can then point the finger at everyone else.
It’s harder to accept the fact that where we are today or how far or little we’ve progressed has a lot more to do with us.
Embrace Your Power
Obstacles are very real. Adversity is very real. However, we’re the biggest threat and impediment to seeing any real progress or results.
It’s an overwhelming thing to consider, but we should try.
We need to embrace our power. We need to remember that we can control not only the pace of our lives, but also the outcomes.
We need to pay attention to the little “coincidences” that occur and be very aware of the energy we’re putting out there and the messages that we’re communicating about what we really want through our actions.
So when I finally recorded the Hashtags + Stilettos podcast premiere episode, Done is Better Than Perfect, with just my earbuds and laptop after postponing the launch due to lack of equipment, I was sending a powerful signal to the universe and anyone who listened to that episode:
We need less than what we think we need to get started, because what we’re looking for, is already within us.
The universe won’t move, until we do.
[Tweet “The Universe Won’t Move, Until I Do. “]
Test it out this week.
Revisit the thing(s) that you’ve been stalling on. Send that email. Write that pitch. Make that call. Set up that meeting. Begin moving that project forward.
Believe in your greatness. Believe that you already have what it takes and just begin.
And watch in awe as the doors start flying open and the opportunities appear.
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