Podcast: Done is STILL Better Than Perfect (Anniversary Episode)

Podcast: Done is STILL Better Than Perfect (Anniversary Episode)

It’s our anniversary!!! Yes, that’s right. Today, the Hashtags and Stilettos podcast turns one! It all started a year ago with my first episode “Done is Better Than Perfect,” so it’s only right that I talk about why that mantra still and will always apply to our lives and how we can apply it.

On this episode, I also make a confession about the times over the last year when I lost sight of the “Done is Better Than Perfect” mantra and missed out on opportunities and I share how I will avoid doing so in the future. I also talk a little bit about the myth of perfection.

[Tweet “”I used to think that if it wasn’t perfect, it was trash. But that’s not true” – @MissSuccess”]

Listen to Episode 29: 

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/285154320″ params=”color=52adc9&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true&visual=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


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[Tweet “Listen to @MissSuccess talk about why “Done is STILL Better Than Perfect” on #HashtagsandStilettos”]