The Sakita Method: 10 Job Search Tips that Work

The Sakita Method: 10 Job Search Tips that Work

Although the title of this post is focused on PR job seekers, with a slight tweak, these tips can be easily applied to entrepreneurial business development, freelance work or opportunities that exist at your current job.

1. Skip HR; Stalk the CEO (I've gotten most of my jobs by speaking directly to the CEO, it works) #JobSearchTips
Sakita Holley

Think about the last time you went grocery shopping and only needed to grab a few items. The store is packed and as you approach the checkout lines you see that all but one of the lines is winding through the aisles. Do you stand on line with the folks that have three months of groceries in their cart? Or, do you quickly find the express or customer service line and beg that they open their register to scan your milk and cookies?

If you do the former, please close your browser and leave this website.

If you do the latter, than this tip will make sense to you.

The HR department is the longest line at the grocery store. Why would you ever want to stand in that line?

Instead of joining the longest line, your best bet is to figure out the CEO’s contact information and send them a thoughtful email (NOT A COVER LETTER) telling them why you like their company and how you’d add value if you were an employee.

Before you close the email, insert THE ASK (coffee, lunch, an informational interview, etc).

2. Shred Your Resume/Cover Letter; Build a Personal Brand Instead #JobSearchTips


Sakita Holley

The grocery store analogy works here as well. While I know you can’t really shred your resume and cover letter, these can no longer be the ONLY weapon you have in your arsenal.

Having a good resume and cover letter is not impressive. Use the resources you have at your disposal to build a personal brand in your chosen field.

This is what will make you an attractive candidate to your next employer.

3. Pick the Company, Don't Let the Company Pick You (Why waste time applying for every job you see?) #JobSearchTips
Sakita Holley

If you’re looking on job boards, you should ONLY be searching for available positions at the companies where you ACTUALLY WANT TO WORK.

Why apply to the farm when you have no desire to be a farmer?

Not only is it a waste of time, but prospective employers can see right through your thinly veiled enthusiasm.

When you don’t care…neither do they.

4. Part-time Effort, Yields Part-time Results (Go hard or remain unemployed) #JobSearchTips
Sakita Holley

Be resilient. Things aren’t always going to go your way. But if you keep moving forward you’ll eventually reach your destination.

5. If you have a unique POV, SHARE IT! (Build a blog or write for others) #JobSearchTips
Sakita Holley

Tumblr. Flickr. Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. Pinterest. Linkedin. Craigslist. Wordpress. Youtube. Vimeo.

Those are just eleven platforms that all offer free access. Pick one. And go!

Share your expertise. Make people pay attention to you and soon the opportunities will flow.

6. Build relationships. Networking doesn't begin when you NEED something. #JobSearchTips
Sakita Holley


7. Cancel your subscription to mediocrity. ( If you're going to suck, make sure you pick a career that pays more for for average work)
Sakita Holley

Seriously, if you’re not absolutely passionate about a field, PLEASE don’t pursue employment in that field. There will always be an easier job you can do for more money.

Do us all a favor…

8. Accept Responsibility: It May Be Your Fault that You're Unemployed. #JobSearchTips (ut oh)
Sakita Holley

There will be none of that “woe is me” shh in my presence okay?

Life is a series of choices. If you choose to dwell on the fact that you’re unemployed…you’ll remain so.

Get up. Get out. And, get something.

9. Pick Yourself. (Create your own opportunities) #JobSearchTips
Sakita Holley

If you’re not happy in your current role, maybe you can find a better opportunity in a different department? Or maybe a different company. Don’t wait for people to force you out of a company that you can’t stand.

Pick yourself. Loyalty should lie with you first.

10. All you need is a foot in the door. (Bloom where you're planted. Kick Ass and a position COULD be created for you.) #jobsearchtips
Sakita Holley

If you’re offered an internship (paid or unpaid) with a company that you absolutely love, you need to jump through that hoop and hit the ground running.

All you need is a foot in the door. Once you’re inside, your work will speak for itself.

And if you’re as good as you say you are, then you might just find yourself staring at a golden opportunity.

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@ is tweeting some Mega knowledge this afternoon! Since following her advice I've landed multiple opportunities! (Thanks again)
I learn so much from @ ! Seriously, shes such a business/LIFE mentor. She's the best 🙂
Class is in session. Please follow @ & learn something. I learn daily from her. One of the greats indeed.
Reggie Black
@ I did! You have truly inspired me to push harder and to know more. I'm currently volunteering w/ an agency & doing freelance!