Queen Latifah is gearing up for the launch of her new talk show, so inevitably media outlets are going to analyze the impact her success or failure in this endeavor will have on her brand.
One particular issue that’s been on the tips of a lot of tongues lately is whether or not she’ll finally discuss her sexuality on her new show. The Grio reached out to me to get my thoughts on the topic.
…Queen Latifah: the brand
[Kim] Castle describes Latifah’s brand as “outspoken,” “be who you are,” and “love who you are.”
If such is the case however, couldn’t withholding the truth about her sexuality affect her authenticity?
“Not discussing her sexuality on her talk show will not hurt her credibility because by this point, it’s a known fact that she keeps that part of her life out of the public eye,” Sakita Holley, president of House of Success PR, a lifestyle and branding agency, believes.
“People who decide to tune into her show will do so because they are longtime fans or because they are looking for her unique perspective on topics that matter most to them.”
Click Here to Read the Full Story and the Rest of My Thoughts on This Topic