Author Archives: Sakita Holley

Press | What’s In My Bag?

Press | What’s In My Bag?

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Tasha Robinson, founder of the Imperfect Concepts vintage boutique for her “What’s In Your Bag?” entrepreneur Q&A series. Here’s a sneak peek: What’s your biggest accomplishment? There are many things that I am proud of but, I would say that my biggest accomplishment to date isContinue Reading

Top 5 Lifestyle Branding Stories of the Week

Top 5 Lifestyle Branding Stories of the Week

1. Refinery29 Evolves Into a Lifestyle Platform Refinery29 is ready to make the leap from fashion Web site to lifestyle player — and is looking to define how the next generation of media companies operate. Once a site that published just a single post per week, Refinery29 now garners 90 million page views per month and will see its first overhaul since itsContinue Reading