Category Archives: Business

Podcast: Stop Playing Small

Podcast: Stop Playing Small

On this episode, I talk about some of the epiphanies I’ve had over the last year regarding how I’ve been playing small, making myself invisible and getting in the way of my own goals. I’m someone that is always encouraging my friends and podcast listeners to be their best self, ask for what they want,Continue Reading

Podcast: Adenah Bayoh on Using Real Estate Development and Franchising as a Path to Entrepreneurship

Podcast: Adenah Bayoh on Using Real Estate Development and Franchising as a Path to Entrepreneurship

  Adenah Bayoh  is the founder and CEO of Adenah Bayoh and Companies, which is the parent corporation that owns IHOP franchises in Paterson and Irvington, NJ and a real estate development portfolio with more than $225 million dollars in urban redevelopment projects. Because of the success of her flagship IHOP restaurant in Irvington, a consistentlyContinue Reading

Podcast: What If Your Dream is Ugly? Do You Still Want It?

Podcast: What If Your Dream is Ugly? Do You Still Want It?

  On this episode, I talk about the realities associated with pursuing your dreams based on an epiphany I had a few months ago at 5 am in the morning. Listen to Episode 31: [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=52adc9&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true&visual=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]   Subscribe on iTunes or SoundCloud and never miss an episode!  [Tweet “.@MissSuccess talksContinue Reading

Podcast: Small Business and Career Q&A

Podcast: Small Business and Career Q&A

On this episode, I answer another round of small business and career questions straight out of my inbox. I tackle how to add online courses to your resume, how to pursue a personal passion such as international volunteerism while also wanting to further your education/career, how and why businesses should be responding to customer complaints onContinue Reading