Author Archives: Sakita Holley

Spend Only 10 Minutes on Bad News

Spend Only 10 Minutes on Bad News

A few months ago, I received some bad news. It was about something that I had worked hard to prepare for that didn’t end up the way I hoped that it would. It sucked…bad. Admittedly, I wanted to cry. But I couldn’t. I felt like I needed to just take the rest of the day offContinue Reading

Press | Sakita Holley: The Fountain of Truth

Press | Sakita Holley: The Fountain of Truth

  When looking for inspiration, sometimes the best place to look is within. Not only will it make you stronger, it will also create within you a wealth of information that can help others. Once you begin to follow Sakita Holley on social media, you’re captivated by her extensive knowledge, positive nature, and ability toContinue Reading

Know What to Ignore

Know What to Ignore

Be selective about what you give your attention. Most battles are temporary distractions from your goals and business objectives. Ask yourself, if I engage in this battle and win, what is the reward? Will it help bring me closer to my goals? Or, will it steal my time and sap all of my energy? IfContinue Reading

House of Success Turns Two!

House of Success Turns Two!

January 1st, 2013 marked the second anniversary of my lifestyle PR firm, House of Success! Two years may not seem like a lot of time but when you’re working hard to build something from the ground up with no guarantee of success, each day can feel like a lifetime. My last day of work atContinue Reading

Action Creates Inspiration

Action Creates Inspiration

Action creates inspiration. Most people think its the other way around. But they’re wrong. They sit and wait for some brilliant idea to land gently on their shoulder and whisper itself into their ear. They view the world as a giant cue card and wait for precise instructions on what to say and do. ItContinue Reading