Why Did It End This Way, Patti? [Podcast Ep. 9]

Why Did It End This Way, Patti? [Podcast Ep. 9]

To know me is to know that I really like love me some Patti Labelle. How could you not love her when she’s given us so much? The music, the hair, the fashion lewks, the flapping arms and then she went ahead and gave us some of her Sweet Potato Pie just in time for the holidays.

The only thing is, we didn’t know she had given us such a sweet gift until James Wright blessed us with this hilarious video:

Patti LaBelle I have to say girl you did it with this pie.

Posted by James Wright Chanel on Wednesday, November 11, 2015

After his video went viral, the pies started flying off the shelves at Walmart. When asked about this success, Patti made her one crucial mistake:


[Tweet “Why did it end this way, Patti? This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. – @MissSuccess”]

Insights + Takeaways: 

  • The viral #PattiPie video was a PR gift wrapped in gold for Patti Labelle. I talk about how she threw that away with her recent comments.
  • What is a viral video and can you create one?
  • Understanding the power of social influence and how to leverage it.
  • How to leverage a positive or negative viral moment if it happens to you or your business.

[Tweet “You can not deliberately create a viral video. Here’s why: (via @MissSuccess)”]

Listen to Episode 9: 

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